Grade 11 Intro

So, if you couldn’t tell by this blog already, it’s obviously Star Wars themed, because I’m a HUGE Star Wars nerd. Now, it’s time to lay down some basic information about myself, so you have a basic understanding of whom I am. I currently go to Regiopolis Notre-Dame, and I’m 16 years of age. I am currently in a 4, approaching 5-month, relationship with a certain someone (will remain anonymous due to obvious security reasons). I was born on May 4th, 2001, so obviously, a born Star Wars fan. I share my love for the franchise with my family, but most notable with my mother. I also enjoy other fandoms, for example, Doctor Who, Shadowhunters, Sherlock Holmes, and iZombie. My father got me into Doctor Who when it got its reboot when Christopher Eccleston was cast as the 9th Doctor in 2005.


I enjoy doing Media Arts, Visual Arts, Computer Science, occasional photography and Comm Tech since they are my strongest subjects to date. You can find some of those projects in The Cantina. Although I may be an average ‘artist’, I do like my fair share of video games. I don’t usually play as much console games as I used to because I usually just play on PC. The main games I play are Minecraft and ROBLOX, but Minecraft I usually play more often than not.


Sooo I hope you enjoyed reading this and finding out about just a little bit more about me. I hope you love looking at the rest of this blog! Peace, and enjoy exploring the Mos Eisley Portfolio District! ❤