Intro Assignment

Photoshop Collage Intro Asst G12 2018-19v2

Project Title: Photoshop Intro Asst

Dimensions: 5100 x 3300

Software Used: Adobo Photoshop CC


For my assignment, the medium I chose to do was collage. Some of the imagery I used were quotes, animals, the Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity Stones, TV show titles, and my own photo. The Infinity Stone trails were painted, connecting them to their places in the Gauntlet, in the places that are shown in Avengers: Infinity War. The animal pictures are showing our current pet, the demon rabbit himself, Denny, and my own, now deceased lizard, my bearded dragon, Toothless. The TV titles, Shadowhunters and Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, are two of my favourite shows to watch in my free time.